Hearing the Call to Discipleship


New Christians often need a lot of support after accepting the Lord Jesus as their Savior and repenting their sins. Many converts don’t yet know what it fully means to be a Christian, and most will want to learn more. For that reason, those who come to an altar call in church are usually given briefing materials and encouraged to take classes to pursue their new faith.

Many people asked me what would come next after the contest was over and the books were published. Some suggested that perhaps the contest could be repeated from time to time (much like Carol Coles, Robert Metz, and I encourage people to repeat the 2,000 percent solution process on the same issue).

I don’t know if that’s the right approach or not, but it may well be. Recently my mind has been very focused on concern about what could happen to lots of new believers if they aren’t Discipleship Resources well by more experienced Christians to learn more about their faith. I suspect that the numbers of people who have paid a lot of attention to what to do after Salvation are much larger than the people who have looked for more effective ways to share their faith about Jesus and Salvation. Is

discipleship an area where there should be another contest? Or should some other activity be initiated? I’m sure that what to do next will be much clearer after the books are written about the winners of the contest to identify and publicize ways to help lead more souls to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Naturally, if God wants me to do something else, He’ll let me know. Please realize that the full story of this contest about helping lost people find and accept Salvation Testimony won’t be written and understood for several years. Time is needed for the ripples of this contest to move forward in my life and across the lives of others to do God’s will. God knows where it’s all going, but I don’t.



Real-Life Stories Christian Testimony Books

Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books, Prints and Supplies Born Again Christians with a product (Books) that they can use to reach lost souls.